Friday, August 24, 2012

Sometimes it's the simplest moments that make you the happiest. I had a few of those moments today. It started when I woke up this morning, my body had the intentions of being lazy today and I gave in a bit, letting myself sleep a little longer than need be, my dog, Luca, gave me the "okay, fine" look and laid back down. When I finally pushed myself to get up about an hour later, Luca knew I wasn't going back to sleep. Now for those who don't know Luca, he is a special needs dog who had surgery on his front two legs as a puppy. This makes him abnormally flexible. He stretched his body all over my queen size bed (he's mixed, and my boyfriend and I think he's a German Shepard/Great Dane mix) which left me little room to try to maneuver myself off the bed. Then he flopped his body over me and gave me many kisses. He's has such a sweet spirit about him, and those little moments like that, that are so goofy and wonderful just make my day.

 My other encounter today was when my boyfriend and I were walking in the neighborhood and this new young couple who moved him about a year or so ago up the street they have a little girl, no older than 2 or 3. While passing the house, the dad who was still in a work uniform was out with his daughter on the driveway coloring with chalk with her, and not just overseeing her create her artwork but he was sitting there, drawing with her, he was devoted to spend this valuable time with his young daughter. It was really a inspiring thing to see, it's unfortunate that something like spending quality time with your child, no matter the age, but especially with a young child is a rarity. Its so much easier to plant your child in front of a television or computer now-a-days. I'm not sure why, but it just really hit a soft spot with me, it was really sweet. That little girl was so happy to he spending time with her father, and that is how all parent-child relationships should be.

And finally, the day ended with ordering carry-out sushi with some hard cider. So simplistic, but yet so....great, ha. It's so nice to end a busy day with something so simple and spend it with the person you love. We never get carry-out but a while ago we tried it because we didn't feel like being in the hustle and bustle of the Friday crowds in town so we decided to just stay in, and it's nice every so often to just do something like that. I'm not sure where this is leading, but the simplistic nature of the night make me so much happier then whatever else I could've been doing that night.

Take in the simple moments, they might not seem like much but they are very important.

P.S.  The only downside of the night was when I opened my fortune cookie, there was no fortune....what the hell! I wonder if that's a sign hahaha :p


  1. "Take in the simple moments, they might not seem like much but they are very important."

    ...It looks as though you've written your own fortune tonight...

  2. You are right my love, I had to create my own since the fortune cookie people decided I wasn't worthy of one D: But at least mine was adequate :)
