Monday, August 20, 2012

Let me start off by saying that I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of this blog is. I have come to the conclusion that it would be beneficial for me to create a forum for myself, to think, write, create, etc. So here it goes....

It's the middle of night, and as usual I get bored and my mind wonders in places that it knows it shouldn't be in. I feel unsatisfied and discontent with what I am surrounded by. I find myself often wondering of somethings that are obtainable, but yet would require me to change so many things. I believe this is just from boredom. I want to create. I want to do more adventurous, lively things, with more adventurous, lively people. But instead, I find myself sitting here, dreaming of a lifestyle I currently do not have. I hope to change this. This funk I have been in for (what is hard to admit) a year or so... needs to be...defunked? ha. I am a girl with big ideas, a big imagination and though it may sound corny, and big heart too. So I was use this blog as a way to communicate with myself, and maybe others. Hopefully this will be a push for me that I'm in need of.

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