Sunday, August 26, 2012

Just a warning, this is a random personal venting post:

I hate having the itch to create when you don't have the room to create. I am a twenty-one year old who is busting at the seams to get out and live on my own. I cannot wait to graduate and to finally find the career that makes me happy. I think I'll be really happy within this career field. I want to be able to decorate a house that I call my own and be happy in a living environment that I've created for myself. I am undecided on where I want to go, where I'd like to live. I have ties that will keep me here for a few years, meaning staying within the United States. But eventually I'd like to live aboard for a while, experience a new way of living. I want to see all the sites, visit the touristy things, but most importantly live as a part of a new community seeing things as the locals do. It's difficult but exciting to think about what's in store for my future. I find myself contemplating things that most people my age do such as marriage, children, and other "grown up things". But I am lucky that I have found the person that is my other half. The person I can expose myself inside and out too. I love you. And I'm not sure what is in store for us for tomorrow, and I'm especially not sure of the days after to come. But as long as I'm with you, exploring, living our life to the fullest. Then I'm up for the ride.

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