Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I went to a local national park close to my home town today that a friend of mine showed my boyfriend and I a while ago. It was a wonderful feeling when it looks like no other soul has ever been to this beautiful hidden gem. I just love that feeling that you have found this undiscovered treasure that hasn't been exposed to the worlds insanity yet. The creeks water rushed beside you while you travel along the wide tree covered path. You get stuck in this innocent-like world when you are surrounded with such beautiful things. You see how nature carries on without the modern conveniences that we as humans supposedly "need", where something so complex can carry on so flawlessly, It's really a shame that many younger generations and my generation included and I suppose even some from the past generations doesn't even know what nature really is. It's not about, "It's so beautiful outside" because you walked to your car and then sat inside all day, it's just really unfortunate to me. Believe me,  I should drag my butt outside more often then I actually do, but, when I find myself outside, whether it be biking in my neighborhood or hiking or whatever, my energy gets lifted automatically. We just all need to stop being lazy and experience something other than television, computers, video games, etc. There is so much more to life, and those things will always be there for you to revisit. People, including myself, need to stop making so many excuses. Just go do something. Live your life. As I am trying to find those things that make me happy, I think others need to realize as well to go out of there comfort zone a bit and give some new things a try.


  1. This is a beautiful post. If only people would take your alive, the world would be a better place.
