Sunday, September 16, 2012

Today I went to my local art festival in town today. I have attended to festival every year since I was little, and I look forward to going all year. The festival is for all types of artist, crafters, jewelers, painters, photographers, sculptures, etc. There is a little bit of everything there and this little festival that started with a small amount of vendors and a manageable size audience, has now grown to 350 vendors not only local but from all over the country, and people that are shoulder to shoulder to one another. Though being in any type of crowd for me is unpleasant, it's nice to see so many people coming out to support art. I considered entering the festival last year as a crafter but the process is tedious with having to have all work that you intend to sell by April when the show isn't until September. But,I am going to apply this year! I have set a goal for myself to get this thing going now! Though that may seem overboard since I have a year but I need to get my ideas together now so that I don't procrastinate and I can start looking for supplies. I'm very excited! Though I wish my excitement would transfer over for my enthusiasm for homework...Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for taking the next step. And I certainly have confidence in your being successful. Work hard at this and enjoy the process! No matter what happens, you'll be one step closer to reaching your goals.
