Saturday, September 8, 2012

I am very content with myself today. Though I feel horrible from being ill, I was very productive today. I got the majority of my school work finished and I relaxed at the same time. This quite the accomplishment for me, let me tell you! I have always been one of those people to put myself under the most stress possible to get whatever I need to get finished because I'm a huge procrastinator. I ruin my day working my ass off and having panic attacks about getting the work finished, even though I always get it finished somehow. Today was nice to get my work done in a peaceful manner. No stress. Don't get me wrong, I work well under pressure but overall my work is much better when given the right amount of time to do so. Also, It's a plus that I'm not a complete mess while doing it because I want to pull my hair out from the massive amounts of stress that I have created for myself. I think if people, and this absolutely goes for myself as well, plan out a little bit more and stick to that plan we would all be much better people. What I mean by that is......we wouldn't have a stick up our asses. I am fully guilty of projecting my stress onto others because of my poor judgement of my own life matters. When there are days like that people just better stay out of my way because I will knock you down, if not physically at least by my temper. I don't know why the human race does this to themselves, it makes you feel horrible, physically and emotionally. I'm sure I'll do this again to myself and think WHY?! but, seriously why are we that stupid. We need to learn from our mistakes, but we are all just to damn stubborn. We need to stick with what works for us, and what makes us happy. If you need to convince yourself that something is good for you, the chances are probably not.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you. You work so hard! It is much better when one allots themselves the time to get done what they need to get done, and it is even better when one can work ahead of schedule and give themselves a day off before it even comes. Foresight is a wonderful thing. Working under pressure is never fun. Work might even be enjoyable when we feel we have the time and motivation to complete it.

    Thank you for this post. Some of the things you said really helped me out. Poor judgement because of my own life matters and projecting stress onto others has been a recent flaw of mine. I really think I need to change my tune, for a more stress free life for myself and those around me!

    Speaking of stress... I attempted to start a new blog today. Well, lucky me, I hit new post instead of publish post and the app I was using doesn't have a back-up feature, so I lost my two hours of work! Haha. Sometimes even having the allotted time can backfire. But sometimes we need that to ground us; sometimes karma's a bitch. Well, I suppose I'll try again another day, try to pick my brain and write that post again.

    I hope whatever time you've gained from getting all that work done today is filled with enjoyment and happiness!
