Saturday, September 1, 2012

Is ignorance really bliss, or plain out stupidity?
I'm going to go with stupidity. I was told today that I am
A negative person because I am aware of my surroundings enough to see that the more construction in my town is absoutely destroying it. We don't have a McDonalds in a five mile radius so we need to build one.....seriously, what the hell. People are becoming more and more stupid and lazy it makes me livid. And to add to it they will be all obese and then they'll bitch about that.

Humanity at its finest. I'd rather be aware of the issues and preserve something beautiful than be ignorant and promote something useless and disgusting.

I could go on about this all day, but the veins in my neck might burst so I'll stop while I'm


  1. There is no true bliss in ignorance, I agree. The bliss here is the same we see in folly. It is a fear of sorts. It is dismissing the truths of this life, the reality of this world, in favor of a worry free existence. But the stress builds beneath the surface, the dam can only hold so much, and one day this person will be overwhelmed with depression, that is if their current, constant angst doesn't consume them first. They will destroy the earth, and it will destroy them. Such a shame we must live beside these fools...

  2. You are completely right! ....for once :p
